
Love Aaj Kal

Sinopsis Indonesia : Bahasa Indonesia – Veer dan Zoe, dua milenall yang sangat berbeda, bertemu di sebuah klub malam di Delhi. Sementara, Zoe sedang mencari hubungan kasual, yang membuatnya kesal, Veer menginginkan sesuatu yang lebih. Malam mereka berakhir dengan nada anti-klimaks. Tapi Veer bukan orang yang mudah melepaskannya. Dia berada di ruang kerja bersama yang dimana Zoe berada. Raj, pemilik paruh baya dari ruang kerja bersama ini, memperhatikan hubungan mereka yang gelisah. Dia melakukan percakapan dengan Zoe. Selama beberapa pertemuan mereka berikutnya, dia menceritakan kisah cintanya dengan idamannya dimasa sekolah, Leena, di kota Udaipur yang indah di tahun 90-an – sebuah romansa, penuh dengan kepolosan dan nostalgia kota kecil. Dia bahkan meninggalkan rumah dan pindah ke Delhi untuk menemaninya. Itu adalah romansa murni. Zoe terpesona oleh kisah Raj. Dia mulai hidup dengan Veer. Dengan hati-hati dipikirkan rencana karir di kesampingkan. Cinta bersemi. Semuanya tampak sempurna. Tapi, apakah ini terlalu cepat? Apakah dia melakukan hal yang ‘benar’? Apakah dia siap? Kekacauan ini mengganggunya. Dia meminta saran dari orang yang langsung ditujunya, Raj. Yang mengejutkan, Zoe menemukan sisi kisah Raj yang mengguncang dunianya. Kisah cintanya tidak begitu sempurna. “Lakukan lebih baik dariku, Nak” itulah yang membuat Raj meninggalkannya. Zoe berada di perempatan sekarang. Haruskah dia mengikuti kata hatinya? Atau akalnya? English – Veer and Zoe, two starkly different millennials, meet at a nightclub in Delhi. While, Zoe is looking for a casual hook-up, much to her irritation, Veer is wanting something more. Their night ends on an anti-climactic note. But Veer is not the one to let go. He lands up at the co-working space Zoe works out of. Raj, the middle-aged owner of the co-working space, notices their uneasy chemistry. He strikes an innocuous conversation with Zoe. Over their next few meetings, he tells her his love story with his school crush, Leena, in the picturesque city of Udaipur back in the 90’s- a romance, full of small-town innocence and nostalgia. He had even left home and moved to Delhi to be with her. It was pure textbook romance. Zoe is entranced by Raj’s story. She begins to live it with Veer. Carefully thought out career plans take a back seat. Love blossoms. It all seems perfect. But, is this going too fast? Is she doing the ‘right’ thing? Is she ready? This turmoil bothers her internally. She seeks advice from her go-to person, Raj. To her surprise, Zoe discovers a side of Raj’s tale that shakes up her world. His love story wasn’t all that perfect. “Do better than me, kid” is what Raj leaves her with. Zoe is at a crossroad now. Should she follow her heart? Or her head?

Sinopsis English : Bahasa Indonesia – Veer and Zoe, two milenall are very different, meet in a night club in Delhi. Meanwhile, Zoe is looking for a casual relationship, which upset him, Veer wants something more. Their night ended with a tone of anti-climax. But Veer is not a person who easily let go. He was in the room working together where Zoe is located. Raj, the owner of the middle-aged of work space with this, pay attention to their relationship is uneasy. He was having a conversation with Zoe. For a few their next meeting, he tells the story of his love with of her dreams in school, Leena, in the city of Udaipur which is beautiful in the 90s – a romance, full of the innocence and nostalgia of the small town. She even left the house and moved to Delhi to be with her. It is romance pure. Zoe was fascinated by the story of Raj. He began life with Veer. With a carefully thought out career plans in the exclude. Love blossomed. Everything looks perfect. But, is this too fast? Does he do things ‘right’? Is he ready? This mess was bothering him. He asked the advice of people who directly target, Raj. Surprisingly, Zoe found the side story of Raj who rocked his world. Her love story is not so perfect. “Do better than me, Kid” that’s what makes the Raj left her. Zoe is located at the intersection now. Should she follow her heart? Or his wits? English – Veer and Zoe, two starkly different millennials, meet at a nightclub in Delhi. While, Zoe is looking for a casual hook-up, much to her irritation, Veer is wanting something more. Their night ends on an anti-climactic note. But Veer is not the one to let go. He lands up at the co-working space Zoe works out of. Raj, the middle-aged owner of the co-working space, notices their uneasy chemistry. He strikes an innocuous conversation with Zoe. Over their next few meetings, he tells her his love story with his school crush, Leena, in the picturesque city of Udaipur back in the 90’s – a romance, full of small-town innocence and nostalgia. He had even left home and moved to Delhi to be with her. It was pure textbook romance. Zoe is so entranced by Raj’s story. She begins to live it with Veer. Carefully thought out career plans take a back seat. Love blossoms. It all seems perfect. But, is this going too fast? Is she doing the ‘right’ thing? Is she ready? This turmoil bothers her internally. She seeks advice from her go-to person, Raj. To her surprise, Zoe discovers a side of Raj’s tale that shakes up her world. His love story wasn’t all that perfect. “Do better than me, kid" is what Raj leaves her with. Zoe is at a crossroad now. Should she follow her heart? Or her head?

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